Had a lovely day today - on the allotment before 8am and didn't leave until about 1.30pm. The kids and hubby arrived at around 10.30 and we had a lovely time. Got loads of digging done, but the best thing of all was I have officially started sowing seeds, in the ground! YAY! So today I sowed a double row of Broad Beans, long green exhibitition, a triple row of peas, Greensage and a row of mixed salad leaves. I am planning to get back to the plot for 2 hours tomorrow before heading to the inlaws for lunch and I am going to sow 2 rows of parsnips. It is early for them really, and the ground is still rather cold, but I have a lot of seed, and as my parsnip germination is usually irratic, I am going to have a go now to see if I can have some really good sized roots for Christmas. Yay spring!
Your getting an early start but it will pay off in the long run EJ.Looking forward to seeing when they come up.
It's good to get the first things planted, isn't it? My lettuce and spinach is about ready to pick now. Maybe I can get some stuff in the ground this time. I hope you have lots of luck with your parsnips, too. dooley
There is a deafening din of applause. Congrats on that. I went out to the lottie today and poked at the ground. I found it a bit too wet still, so planted some peas in root trainers at home. It's so good to hear that you have planted. I reckon it'll be another couple of weeks until I plant outside. It's going to be a bit of a late season for me.
Congratulations on your sowing! Brings me hope, it does. I hope you'll get a good start on those earlies.
Sounds like you've made a good start Emma. I too made a start yesterday as the weather was so glorious. As I have not got a lottie I am trying some raised beds, got them all set up and today will start sowing...dwarf runner beans, baby beets, baby leeks, carrots, spring onions and baby iceberg lettuce for starters. I'm really excited about it so hope they do well, there is nothing quite like picking your own produce is there. Good luck with the parsnips, I'm sure they will be ok.
Well, I was up and out by 7am today and the weather is just BEAUTIFUL! Hope it is nice where you are Gardengirl and Eileen. Carried on digging and am now up to the tomato house which means an hours work and both plots will be ship shape and raring to go. I sowed parsnips, tender and true - these were purchased by my mum and were on a seed tape. Makes sowing easier, it will be a matter of time to see if they germinate. Also got in a row of beetroot - kestrel, and early maturing variety. Cleared the old brassica beds and had a bit of a tidy up, home in time to do some washing, take the kids on a bike ride and now, get ready to go to the inlaws for lunch. A lovely lovely day. Pat, when I lived at home, mums garden is a small courtyard style and dad built me a smallish rasied bed to grow some mini veggies in. They were an amazing success and I loved picking things. That was the only time in my life I successfully grew cauliflowers!!!! Hope you are going to take some photos of your progress.
Good for you EJ! Isn't the first sowing satisfying? I transplanted Spinach from ground to grow boxes outside and our garlic and leeks have overwintered and are growing great guns. Next will be the peas.