I knew they were out there. Where, I did not know. So I decide to lift a fallen tree branch to make a crossing across my stream bottom. And there it was. This beautiful creature was two inches across. It stayed there for a few minutes as I watched it...As if it was watching me. Good thing it lives ten miles from my home. These creatures totally freak me out. If I had eight legs and eyes I would never leave the house. I would read all the great works of literature (again), in double time, while I do the dishes.
OK, that one maybe a few miles away, but they do say there is always a spider within 15 feet of you. Here are a few that I have taken in the garden. If you dare to look click Garden spiders Click the image for a bigger image.
I realize spiders have their purpose in life... but they give me the "eebie jeebies"... leave me alone and I'll leave you alone.
Spiders are everywhere, at least according to my wife, who, when she finds one in the house, has me transport it to the lower depths of the house. Spiders are welcome there as they terrorize any plant predators. On the more documented side of the equation, in all likelihood there is a spider within 3 feet of you. When you are outside in a field the count dramatically increases. If you are swimming well...... there just may be a small piece of wood floating next to you...... Note: The highest documented density is 842 spiders per square meter in an English countryside. A review of published data averaged about 130/square meter. Not a good number for those with arachnophobia. Jerry