I can't seem to remember where I planted my spring bulbs once the foliage dies down so have ended up digging them up, by accident, to plant something else. I was given this tip so, in case anyone else has this problem, I'll pass it along. In my gardens, where there are no white rocks, I set a 2 or 3 inch white rock in the middle of the group of bulbs.
I take pictures of all bulb plantings. Included in the pictures are identifying garden features for reference. Works for me. Jerry
Jerry I wish I was that organized but I'd probably forget where I put the pictures. I've been thinking of drawing a smile on my white rocks and gluing googly eyes on them. That would fit in my gardens and also, at times, the way I feel when I stand there, trowel in hand, thinking 'what the heck was I going to do????
Often my exploits into the garden end up to be something other than the original intent. Since there are so many things to do, I end up having more fun just wandering around from task to task. Today we are getting about 3 inches of 'Poor Man's Fertilizer' I thinks the rocks will work as long as the spring cleaning does not move them. Perhaps painted smiley faces with colored dots to tell you what bulb is planted below. Jerry
2ofus, I love the rock idea! I've used perlite to mark seed beds and bulb locations, but it tends to go away and I tend to forget. We have plenty of rocks, and I think the googly eyes and smile would brighten my day! Of course, it will scare the heck out of any garden visitors, but almost everything has a down side.
I pick up knives at thrift stores....butter or regular non-sharp tableware. Pretty handles are a plus for decoration in the bare garden or you can paint the handles with fingernail polish from the dollar store. If you put the plant name on them, put it on the blade that will be stuck in the ground, that way the weather won't affect the writing and all you need to do is pull the knife up to remind yourself of what they are.
I have used wooden craft sticks. I put one at the beginning of the row and one at the end of the row.