There are still some nice things to look at in this slow period in-between the spring and summer here. It's not too flowery at the moment and the veggies require most of my attention. I've been so busy that I haven't really taken the time to look around much, but.... Here are three things that are perfect examples of what's going on during the closing days of spring in the flower garden.
Yes, those pink ones are beautiful. I've never tried to grow foxglove though I've admired them a lot. I like daisies a lot, too. dooley
I like your fern! Which is it? The foxglove and daisies are lovely too. But, aren't we into summer now?
Ohh Sjoerd i love the fern pic,, different, and i love anything different! I have daisys planted and growing here but mine are just barely above the ground. The foxglove is very beautiful. Weren't we into summer, according to the old, old old norwegian calender, on April 14th. lol, all i remember it snowed. Thats when the calender was only divided into 2 seasons, summer and winter,,,,lol.
DROOPY+BIITA: I believe that the fern in question is the Matteuccia struthiopteris. I am not 100% sure because the downstairs neighbour gave me some 10-11 years ago for the lottie, but he did not know the name of it. It's one of the few that can grow in the sun...up to a point. As forbeing in summer...wellllll, I have to say that I don't know if we are technically speaking, for the last two or three years the book could be thrown out the window as far as season beginnings are concerned. I just have to plant and do things on "feel" these days. ha ha ha. I'm having to become adept and this "wet finger in the air" way of gardening lately.
Adore the foxy glove. My grandad reakons they are more beautiful than orchids, and when you look deep inside, I am inclined to agree.