Hey everyone. Been sowing my seeds. Started in November and still an on-going process. But I figured I am not gonna be able to sow all the seeds I've got, or I got more seeds in a packet than I need. So, even though I have more seeds than I need,I am still open to suggestions There is always something I don't have and want, something I've never heard of...etc... Araujia serificera Gomphrena haageana "strawberry Fields" Lupines Leonotis nepetifolia Delphinium (gorgeous blue, not the tall ones) Gaillardia Columbines (white, pink, dark purple) Nicandra physaloides "Splash of Cream" Linaria purpurea (purple) Campanula medium - mainly purple, white, pink Decaisnea fargesii Polemonium caerulea (white and blue) Amsonia tabernaemontana Gilia tricolor - mine germinated in 2 days! Calycanthus floridus Xantoceras sorbifolium (8 large seeds) Echium - blue Ipomea cardinal climber - 5 seeds What I am looking for... Well any cool hardy perennials I haven't got and fancy. Or... these: Worsleya procera or Magnolia grandiflora (germinated seeds - cause it's hard with these) Anything I haven't heard of but I'd like to have. Waiting for any offers. Would be sent in bubble envelope. Calin
hi! i dont have anything for trade, am new to flower gardening. can i still ask for your seeds or not?
YES! let me know what and i'll see if still got them around. i already gave some away. maybe u r lucky
ok great! and thank you so much!! im interested in the lupines, blue delphinium, and the columbines if you still have them. Do i send you sasbe? Moderators note: Post edited to remove mailing address.