After supper, I took the garbage out to the garage to the cans and to burn the trash. The field behind me is in the soil conservation program and was planted to prairie grasses 2 years ago. Well tonight the little spring frogs are singing like crazy. There must be a couple of million of them out there. It is really loud. At first I thought I was going crazy and that my hearing aids had gone whacko. I got my wife to come out and listen as I knew she would never beleive me if I just told her about it. I have never heard anything like that before.
Guess the peepers are saying that spring has arrived. I've tried getting native frogs established in my little ponds, but the possums and raccoons ransack them and in the big pond I guess the gold fish eat the eggs. I would love to hear their noisy spring-fest. We only have a few tree frogs that croak when it rains.