Wooo hooooo! It must be spring because the basement is lighting up with lots of green-filled starter trays!! So far, about 50% of the peppers are up-potted and several 72 packs are loaded with freshly sprouted tomatoes, peppers, herbs, and even some wildflowers. Always a great feeling to have this much growing in preparation of a great gardening season. What are you doing to get ready? :arrow:
Spring has arrived here. I am weeding the onions, peas, and really need to thin the lettuces. I planted cosmos this week, and if the winds allow, zinnias next week. The potatoes and corn are up, and I found a bud on my Marie Pavie rose yesterday (a tiny one, but a BUD!). Halfway, we don't have a basement, but our guest bedroom looked like your cellar with all the seedlings.
First thoughts of spring for me... Wow,I feel so behind when I read what you are all doing... Thinking I was doing good by just getting my shutters down to repaint as my winter project. The snowman just melted from the front yard yesterday - but more is expected this weekend. Can't imagine how everyone is so far along with all their weeding, seedlings, etc. The sun is out today, which is why I thought about checking out GardenStew again - guess I should get moving so that I can be ready when our snow finally stops. Have so much weeding to do - gardens in the back yard look more like tall grass/weed beds than flowerbeds. Not sure how to get that cleaned up other than lots of time evenings after work and weekends. You guys are just what I need to get me motivated! Thanks! Cindy
Don't feel so behind, Cindy. Marlingardener and I live way, way south of you and have had spring like weather with temps in the 70-80 degree range for close to a month already. I decided not to start seeds indoors again this year, I don't have a garage or spare bedroom or anyplace else to keep trays of seedlings. I am going to start planting seeds next week out in the garden, sure saves having to go through the hardening off process with the seedlings. I do have a plant order that will arrive sometime next week, so I will be busy getting everything in the ground.
It's a little early to get too much growing here. Our 'safe' date isn't until the end of May, but I'll be starting a few things next week...Dalhia's, Canna Lily's need potting up and I'll start some Tomato's.
About an inch of spring has fallen and is still in progress. The temperature is 33°F, I still walked around to see what has popped out of the ground. Jerry
I feel so bad for our friends up north still battling winter. I've been so busy the last few days outside... I ALMOST have everything out of containers and in beds. Planted some seeds in the ground yesterday too. I have a few inside still that just sprouted. Once these are ready to go outside then I'll take the contraption apart. Not sure if I'll use it again next winter... well maybe just a bit!
Truth be told I haven't sown a single seed yet. We won't be able to plant them outside for two months, so I feel it's a bit early to sow what we're sowing this year. We have, however, received our carrot seeds. We're going to sow white, yellow, orange and purple carrots this year, but those and the peas are sown directly outside. Our youngest wants to try pumpkins again, but we'll have to wait until the beginning of May unless April decides to give us good temps. We're also planning on sowing Brussels sprouts Falstaff, just because they're red, and some beans because the girls eat them before we get to cook them. I love it when the children get to the veggies before I do. If you check my post on beautiful borders you'll understand we're not terribly behind with anything.
I have done exactly nothing outside. No, I take it back. This evening I moved some leaves away from the bleeding hearts and pulled some dead stuff out of another bed. I am waaaaay behind.
I have one 36-cell seed starter, with Marigolds and Zinnias. Sadly, quite a few of the seedlings didnt make it (no idea why...Im not good at these stupid greenhouse kits) but a few still look good. I also want to plant pumpkins, carrots, spinach and other stuff. My moms boyfriend gave me a section of his yard to do whatever I want with!! *bounces with happiness* So a bunch of stuff is going there And today went to moms house and cleaned up my flower beds
Some Tepin, Caribbean Red, Habanero, Jalapeno, and Garden Salsa that were germinated a few weeks ago and now under the lights. Another 8 weeks and they get to see the real world!
It's Spring Michigan expects snow, icey rain, rain tomorrow or Wednesday, but I am not discouraged. I planted peas, arugula, lettuce, spinach and radishes outside. Have onions up about 2 inches inside. I too plant in those peat pot containers. I have peas in 56 I think, broccoli in larger peat pots. The peppers and tomatoes will be next. I found sprouts on some spuds I bought at the market. I know they say not to plant those, but I'm trying anyway. We have had such a loooong winter, I can't wait any longer. Gotta start gardening.
Adding some tomatoes to the mix. Just placed several wildflowers and perennials in the germination trays. Can't wait for these little fellas to burst upon the scene! Cucumbers and beans waiting in the chutes.
Spring! WoooHooo! My seeds are sprouting and trays have taken over every spare inch around the house wherever there is sunlight! Can't wait until it's warm out!