Do you know what happens when you see the NEW variety plants on QVC? Your mind starts racing and you start thinking "Yeah, that would be great in my garden because no one else will have it in my area". And the next thing, you are online or calling to make that order.. I don't know about you, but I find it very, very difficult to flip the channels when Cottage Farms is on... Am I The ONLY One!!!!LOL
Hey there hummerbum, I have never seen QVC. So, They sell plants? Really? I had better stay away from that channel... until I get my flower beds enlarged to have room to plant more flowers...
Kay, that would be wise because they make you want to buy them because the prices are sooooo goood that you will buy believe me.
LOL...I bet she did!! Ok Jerry, I find it hard that YOU didn't know that!! Like everything else, you have to catch it at certain times. Once you see it, you'll be hooked...LOL I think it comes on again at 11(EST) tonight...check the listing if you can find the remote!!!
Here on QVC it's 'Richard Jackson's garden' that I'm not ashamed to say that I'm addicted to. The plants they have are fantastic and if you should be disappointed, in any way, they refund you what you paid for them or send out replacements without any quibbles. The prices are well within budget and they have many new varieties of plants that you can't find anywhere else.
I've never even HEARD for QVC or Cottage Farms!! Off to google ... how did I ever survive without it?
Hummerbun, here on the Stew we have an "enabler" named Toni. She can get people hooked on almost anything, but she has never mentioned QVC and plants. You just may have added a whole new dimension to "enabling". I really, really needed another source for plants , so thank you!
None of your programs are available to me, so I'll have to make do with seed catalogues and the very thick export catalogues from all over Europe!
Just go to QVC on the computer or Cottage Farms, they also have a website. Good luck with those plants.
LMAO Marlingardener!!! So Sorrrryyyy!! Yeah Right..LOL Droopy, Carol is correct...I forgot about their website.
I'm so glad I didn't see this post until it was already pointed out that there was a website, we recently cancelled a bunch of paid channels (qvc included) and I was starting to feel really whiney
I used to buy from cottage farms but had such bad luck with the plants I quit and decided to just buy from our local nursery...I found that if it is a later blooming plant and your year guarantee is up, they will not do any replacements if they don't bloom or die. That is not QVC's fault but Cottage Farms. Plus I live in a cold climate and you really have to check out the zones carefully. I shop QVC for many years, I like to get my cameras from there because you can use it for 30 days and if you don't like it, you can send it back. Walmart is good like that too. In fact I just ordered a George foreman grill from them and it should be here next week.
Well, we don't have cable so I hadn't heard about QVC selling plants or you can bet you bottom dollar that I would have been hooked and having to get the rest of you hooked on it too just so I wouldn't feel so guilty about spending all of Randy's hard earned money there. But now that I know there is a website....well forget hiding the TV remote, someone hide my debit and credit card please!