I got a very nice and healthy looking Stevia plant from a Home Supply store and would like to know if I should plant it in the ground or in a pot. I know it will take lots of sun but is not frost hardy. In my part of AZ summers are in the low 100s and dry and lots of frost in the winter. As a matter of fact we are getting a winter storm this weekend and may get some snow. Wind advisories as always.
If you plan to keep it for more than the season leave it in the pot. Otherwise it is hard to lift them and put them back into a pot for the fall/winter. I leave mine in the pot year round.
Thank you. I transplanted it yesterday and there were 4 plants in the pot. For now they are happy. I will plant a couple in the garden and the others in a pot, will see how they do. I dont have much luck with potted plants in the summer , pots and soil get to hot even in the shade its over 100 deg. Maybe I will sink one pot in the ground.