There are still two Gulf Fritillary butterflies feasting on the Zinnia's. There are a lot more Zinnias out front but these are the best looking ones. Zinnias that won't quit ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) I found a small Sweet William being hidden by leaves of a Coneflower... Sweet William ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) The Plumbago is tired of blooming and is shutting down for the season... Plumbago ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) This Penta just sat there all summer but since the weather has cooled down it has more than doubled in size... Penta ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) One of my Oxalis, this one is in total shade and apparently loves it. Oxalis ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) I sheared off the Burgundy Blanket Flower back in August and that did wonders for it. Burgundy Blanket Flower ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) But the biggest surprise on this 27th day of October is that the Clematis 'Snow Queen' which only blooms in May and June has been fooled by the weather into thinking it is May or June and is blooming again. They are much smaller than the early ones but still wonderful. Clematis 'Snow Queen' ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) Now will someone please find Autumn and tell it to get it's sweet behind down here!!!
What a delightful posting this time, Toni--your lingering flowers are so good to see. Those Plumbagos have a remarkable colour.
I'm glad someone still has color Toni! Autumn is here, but I'd love to send it to you - if you'll send me summer back
Lovely blooms, toni. If you get a bit of our winter temps it would feel like autumn, yes? I can also supply you with some rain, just find me a transport company that will take it.
I can send you some layers of frost and ice, lots of rain and really low temperatures Toni. So when the transporter is on its way tell it stop off here to pick them up before going on to Droopy. Seriously though you have lots of wonderful colour in your garden. Those Plumbago are simply gorgeous.
Great looking blooms Toni! I also have some plants down here thinking it's time to bloom too. Poor things will probably go into massive shock when (IF) it evenever it turns cold. So... when sending Toni some cool weather... can I have some too please? (No snow please :-D )
Love your pretty flowers Toni. We still have flowers in bloom here too, but their days are numbered, I'm afraid. :'( It has been a warm autumn here too, so I have seen some weird blooms ( for this time of year) Last week, I came across some Iris in bloom, and a Quince with it's colorful blooms. Of course, I did not have my camera... Enjoy your warm weather!
Well Toni, it seems fall has arrived! I saw that areas of North Texas were under a frost warning for last night, and when we got up it was 49 degrees here in central Texas. Hope the frost held off and your lovely flowers continue to give you color!
I hope my late season blooms were colorful enough to take away from of the drab for those already into winter. MG, that frost warning was north, west and southwest of us. Dallas and Tarrant (where Ft.Worth is) County lines were the dividing points and our temps were only down into the mid-40's this morning. Everything is looking rather tired and really starting to fade now tho and the temps are becoming more fall like.