Strazzberries ( photo / image / picture from carolyn keiper's Garden ) UMM... I wouldn't say they taste anything like raspberries nor are they great strawberries, I don't think I would recommend them. They are a disappointment.
I agree they certainly look tasty. What a disappointment though that they don't taste as good as they look.
Cheryl and Eileen, they are beautiful and have a very firm texture, almost too hard for a garden berry, similar to what you would have from a California berry from the store KK, I can understand you being delighted to get anything from your plant, but I don't know how hot is too hot to grow them. I do know that on occasion that they do get sunburned if the fruit is exposed to the hot sun while it is ripening.This ruins the fruit, you can't use any part of it. Mart, they probably will go right in with the rest of the berries for jam. No one will ever notice.
They certainly look good! Do you not think a jam of just those sort of berrys would be very tasty? Just wondering.
They sure LOOK good! I planted a few dozen everbearing strawberries a few years back. They looked good too, but no flavor. Very disappointing.
That's too bad Netty, Today I picked the first ripe everbearing... the taste was ok, but the berry was very ugly. I would only use them as jam berries IF I picked enough of them, but they are on the small side. A little larger than wild strawberries. After really nice berries... it's really hard to go to that patch and get excited about the effort it takes to get 1 quart. I used any of the strazzberries I picked today for jam. I couldn't tell them apart from the honeyoe berries once i cleaned them. So any "flavor" they imparted.... was no influence on the final taste.