We have 2 chairs on the front porch, that set right in front of the two living room windows. At night the June Bugs land on the screens to try to get in to the lights. The cats get in the chairs and stand up on their hind feet to try to catch the June Bugs. So you hear the screens twanging from where their claws get caught in the screens! Can be quite a racket!
Just got done having a screen repaired .Cat pawing screen-she has no front claws. Finch feeder close by
Captain, your cats think you set up the chairs and the light and invited the June bugs just for the cats' entertainment!
I keep my cats indoors. And the kids keep theirs indoors at night. [wish theirs were indoors 100% because of my birds.] I am not using my porch lights at night until late fall? I have been going around my yard "by braille". My night vision is not good, but I CANNOT stand the bugs flying around me and the doorway and coming indoors with us. I am hoping we do not have too many of those brown hornets returning from last year; however we have had far too many moths now. At least they do not sting.
cats I have a similar problem in the cats sit under the front bush waiting for the birds to land then dinner. They have already got one.