Succulents for trade

Discussion in 'Plant and Seed Exchange' started by Creationsings, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. Creationsings

    Creationsings Seedling

    Aug 8, 2010
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    I have some succulents I would like to trade off to make room for what I really want. I am mostly into adeniums and aloes that stay small. Everything I have for trade is nice established plants with good root systems, I would like the same in return..if what you have is not estabished yet let me know this when we set up a trade so there will be no misunderstandings.

    I have...

    Nice size Aloe Pink Blush
    Epie 'curly' seed grown about 1.5 years old, nice size seedling.
    Oxalis gigantea small plant
    Aloe Noblis
    Variegated and green tom thumbs..nice pot full
    Couple kinds of stepalias, one I know is gigantea.

    Adeniums I have for trade..all are seedlings about 3-5 inches All are seed grown by me except the unknown one.
    Amazing Doxon(2)
    My country x delano(2)
    and one bigger seedling with no name.

    Also have..
    Pink arrowhead plant about a foot tall, very nice plant.
    Hoya hindu rope (2 small plants)

    What I am interested in is Adenium, haworthias and aloes..the aloes must be of small varieties because I dont have lot of space. I will only trade for named plants that I can look up and see what they look like. Please dont be offended if I ask you for a picture of the plant you want to trade. I will give you the same respect. PM me if interested in a trade. I can be tempted with things other then what I listed just dont take offense if I say
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