Succulents from my collection!

Discussion in 'Plant and Seed Exchange' started by Creationsings, Apr 15, 2011.

  1. Creationsings

    Creationsings Seedling

    Aug 8, 2010
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    Never thought I would say this..BUT, I am getting out of succulents for the most part except for adeniums and aloes and a few select beauties. So I am going to offer up a few that I have been growing for over a year, some 2-3 years.

    Cerarea Pygmaea 2 years, nice form and blooms readily
    crassula 'calico kitten'
    haworthia magnifica adult plant with 2 large pups
    haworthia faciata adult plant
    Haworthia cymbiformis 2 nice rooted pups(though pups are not variegated they come from a variegated mother plant and will carry the varigation.)
    Gasteria lilliputana
    Gasteria golematra 2 nice rooted pups
    epie seedling year old
    epie curl seedling year old
    Tommy thumbs(pot full)
    variegated tommy thumbs
    Gasteria cv. oblique with several pups(outstanding plant!) special trade only!

    What I am looking for in trade for these is...

    plumeria (must be rooted)
    Hoyas with small leaves
    pepperomias with small leaves
    dwarf jasmines
    hippeastrums(blooming size)
    snow white cherry tomato PLANT
    lipstick pepper PLANT
    chenile plant
    Plastic pots(must be NEW, never used)
    liquid fertilizer suitable for adeniums
    Also will consider plastic pots, NEW ones never used and not the black nursery pots, I would like nice ones.
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