Check it out: I was very pleased to discover that my day length in MA for 2/1/15 is 10 hours & by the end of the month it will be 11 hours! A discovery that cheers the soul just as another winter storm is about to descend.
Cool!! I showed the clock info to my plants and some are already planning their summer vacation in the sun. To be continued..... Jerry
Waretrop--ditto here, only in my case it is parakeets. If our daughter decides to shower in the middle of the night (don't ask), they wake up with the light & the sounds of water running & chirp their heads off. Glad you all like the link. I got it from Margaret's I like her website.
Excellent site! Just a miserly 9hours and 23 minutes here Still, it isn't long until the clocks change and throw the doggies into confusion for a while