Today started with snow, by mid-day the sun came out and melted the snow and it ended with a spectacular display at sunset. I had fun playing with my new camera, I am still learning how to use a SLR. Sunset December 5, 2009 ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden ) Sunset December 5, 2009 ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden ) Sunset December 5, 2009 ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden )[/i The lower the sun got the more beautiful the sky became.
Absolutely gorgeous! It is so nice that you were able to capture the moment. I never seem to have a camera when they happen and when I have the camera they don't happen. Thanks so much for sharing. Awe inspiring :-D
WOW what a glorious sky!!! You're right it just got better and better. I think you're doing great with that new camera.
wow amazing sky, I don't have the patience for sunsets, just as you turn around thinking they are finished they come out with the best colours.
Great photos, Everything needs to be just right to get such beautiful colors, and to have the camera handy to record it. Good work.
Thanks for all your comments. I am working on using aperature & shutter priority instead of automatic and was pleased with the results. The camera is a Nikon D5000 with a Nikor 25-200mm lens.
Lovely, lovelier and even more lovely! Oh, my, I'd be stuck outside just watching the changing colours. Thank you for sharing those photos.