Sunset - With Birds

Discussion in 'Wildlife in the Garden' started by Sydney Smith, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi all. Some old pics I found of sunset along the River Colne. A series of it going down and showing birds on the water - also another showing a flock of Geese (or Lapwings/Peewits) coming in for the night. Syd.
    Edit. Three further pics inserted.
    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )
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  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Beautiful sunsets Syd. You did well to catch all those birds in flight. :-D
  4. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi Eileen. Glad you like them. Sadly that pic of the birds coming in is the worst of several I took - the others were a lot clearer - this only one is a bit blurry. Its that S..s law again - all the good ones somehow vanished. Took many pics at all times along the River Colne whch ran along just a nice walk away (about a mile) at last address. Very wide at that point and many lovely water birds as well as woodland to be seen at the appropriate time - water went out and left these mudbanks. That rareish bird down this way the Avocet was a frequent visitor and you as a great bird lover will know just how elegant they are sweeping the water with that sideways bill motion - perfection I always thought. Spent hours there with my cameras - do love that - never go out without one. NOT expert by any means but generally do OK and just sometimes get some goodies - look for action/moving shots more than static if poss but with birds its got to be a quick shot since they rarely stay and pose. Have some reasonable Zoom lenses so fairly well armed when in action.
    Thank you for your "always interest" - nice to talk to you. Syd.
  5. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Syd, I am so impressed with your photos of birds. Have you considered mounting a display of them at a local library or community center?
    I'm serious--your photos could inspire other folks to watch birds, put out feeders, or at least appreciate the variety of bird life around them. Please think about putting your photos out for the locals to see and appreciate.
    Frank likes this.
  6. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi Jane - all. Thanks once again for your always kind comments ref my humble efforts. I do so love the garden and wildlife and this coupled with my great interest in photography makes for a lovely combination of interests for me - amongst others. My keenness far exceeds my expertise but that is only secondary really - its the enjoyment gained with it.

    I like your idea and think such actions as you suggest can only possibly do good to further the cause of encouraging more folk to appreciate and protect birds/wildlife as we "Stewers" and others like us do.
    Difficult for me to say this but whereas I enjoy chatting and sharing pics etc here which is a more close "family" sort of thing outside I am a bit of a solitary person now and have that tendency to hide such (if any) lights as I may have under a bushel.

    Happily I can tell you that birds/wildlife is a very much ongoing and growing thing over here - I would guess that the majority of gardens have feeders etc. There is also the wonderful RSPB (and others) which do so much to encourage it. I saw you mention in your earlier Topic - they do as your Society does - organise yearly bird counts which the public are encouraged to involve themselves in. There is also several TV programmes such as "Spring Watch" etc making the point. The sales of bird feed must be quite collossal here per annum I would think.
    I myself as we all do often stop and have that dreadful thought just what would it be like to see no birds/wildlife about - a concrete jungle sort of thing - perish the thought. Sadly the way so called "progress" is going it could ultimately easily happen. There are "those" whose interests are in a very different direction and care not about wildlife - nuff said.
    Thanks again and best wishes.

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