I sorta remember planting these but that was at least two years ago and since then they have only produced a couple of leaves above ground I figured maybe someday they would tell me what they are. This morning I found these blooms, probably opened yesterday but I didn't go out in the yard yesterday. I probably will remember the name when someone says it but right now I am drawing a blank. Unknow Lilies in Red ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) Unknow Lilies in dark Pink ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) Oh and don't ever go to google.com and do a search for Naked Ladies....you don't want to see the links you get. :-D
Since the leaves are died back, they are probably a variety of 'naked lady lilies'... You might try looking up 'pink surprise lilies' instead. That is another name for them around here. I have never seen them in that color, but they sure are pretty! The ones around here are all a pale pink. I think another name for them is 'resurrection lilies'. I have no idea on their Latin names though.
I was going to say Naked Ladies also. I noticed some popping up at my aunt's house yesterday. Beautiful color!
Naked Ladies covers a lot of territory, including the ones you might not want to look at I want the latin name since so many Lilies have this same common name and it simply refers to Lilies with no leaves when it blooms. All the Naked Ladies, Surprise Lilies, Resurrection lily, etc. have the same characteristics ...leaves in spring, they die off in early summer then the flower stalk and blooms show up in either late summer or early fall. And none of them look like mine. :'( Again, another problem with common names.
I'd say Lycoris squamigera but mine's not that dark pink... more like a bit too light for my taste. I like yours!
Thanks Cal, that's the one I have been leaning towards too but, like you said, the pink of mine is darker and then there is the red one. I am glad they are darker, I really do not like the color pink.
L. sprengeri might be a match, but none in such vivid colors as examples here: http://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswi ... hp/Lycoris
I have normal color ones both in one of the back gardens and in the greenhouse. Allot of them....and none of them ever bloom for me in 6 years. I am so mad that them......