Took the garland and lights off the rail of the front deck today. As I was taking it down, a peanut fell onto the floor. Evidently a bird had hidden it there for later! Probably a Titmouse as they hit the peanut feeder constantly!
Do you have any Blue Jays? They are notorious for taking everything within beak range and stashing it away for later. You have undoubtedly happened across a cashe. Jerry
We have a lot of Jays. We have a whole Air Force of them. They set up in the trees and wait for you to put peanuts in the feeder.
The Blue Jays will sit on the fence and squawk and the squirrels usually sit in the tree out front and chatter to get my attention to let me know when the peanut container is empty. Last month I pulled up over a dozen peanut plants from messy eaters and food stashers....and not a single edible nut on any of them.