Sweden / Copenhagen photos

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by Frank, Aug 26, 2005.

  1. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Hi all,

    It's about time I posted some photos 8) Here are some from my time in Sweden and Copenhagen. Hope you enjoy them :smt023:



    Beautiful park in Malmo
    Of which there are many.



    Bike counter in the afternoon
    Now here is a marvellous contraption! The tall black object counts the number of bikes that go past every day. Here is it in the afternoon at a count of 2447...



    Bike counter in the evening
    ...and here it is in the evening at a count of 5811. It really makes you think about using your bike to travel around Malmo which of course many people do and I have as well :)



    How did he get up there!!
    Don't worry, this patriotic Swedish chap isn't real :D We just thought he looked funny (and slightly creepy at the same time) so we took a snap of him.



    My favourite display in the Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen
    This was definitely my favourite floral display in the Gardens. Dotted around the landscape were numerous purple water features and the variety of flowers on display was great.



    Cute car ride attraction in the Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen
    I didn't ride on it though ;) I was enjoying the plant displays too much.



    Spectacular fountain in the Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen
    This fountain turns itself on and off.



    Interesting walkway in the Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen
    This walkway is littered with games and attractions. It had a slight Western feel to it.



    Pirate ship in the Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen
    Now this was amazing! There is a resteraunt aboard this magnificent pirate ship.



    Water feature in the Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen
    This water feature looked like something straight out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. All it was missing was Willy Wonka parading around it with the Oompa-Loompas :D


    Various shots of the plant displays in the Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen
    I really enjoyed these. They look fantastic and are very well maintained.








    The Little Mermaid
    Well this is a first for GardenStew.com... an actual sighting of ME :) I am pictured on the left with my brother on the right enjoying our little visit to the world famous Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen. I was quite suprised at the lack of security surrounding this tourist attraction, no CCTV or anything. It was pretty cool to see it though!

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    1. Frank

  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    What terrific photographs Frank!!! Copenhagen is now top of my 'to visit' list!!! :D
    The Tivoli gardens are fantastic, I particularlly like the waterfalls, fountains and water features. :smt026 If only my garden were big enough to incorporate waterfalls just like those. :rolleyes:

    Great to have a piccie of YOU too - hey - you're rather good looking aren't you? Did I tell you I had a daughter who's almost 23!!!!! ;) ;) :D :D Seriously though it's nice to be able to put a face to a name.

    Thank you so much for sharing those lovely piccies with us all. :kiss:
  4. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    :oops: :oops: :oops: Why thank you Eileen :D

    Yeah the Tivoli Gardens are fantastic. I highly recommend them. It's just a pity they weren't a bit larger but worth it indeed.

    Glad you liked the piccies!
  5. Capt Kirk

    Capt Kirk Thank a Veteran today!

    Sep 10, 2005
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    Ohio, USA
    Great Pics! Nice to see some areas that I probably won't ever get to!
  6. jubabe296

    jubabe296 Official Garden Fairy

    Mar 18, 2006
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    south central Texas
    Hey Frank,great photos and now I too have a face to go with your name! :D

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