October Dawn ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden ) Getting up before dawn makes sure you don't miss out on the spectacular ones. This was dawn two days ago. Sometimes we have vivid colors, but this was a bit more subtle. After I admire the sky's fireworks I go roust the hens. How bad is it when a person is up before the chickens?
My Mom gets up before the chickens, she isn't a country girl just has this bad unchangable habit of getting up about 4 a.m. I love that sunrise. By the time the sun rises above the roof of the house across the alley it is nothing but a firey gas ball in a sky that could no longer be called pretty by any stretch of the imagination. So seeing one in the wide open spaces is a treat for me.
That sky is quite striking. When I travelled in that region I did not see any sunrised, but I did see some sunsets...and they were spectacular too.
I love your sunrise, but what really got my attention is your grass. You can actually see your grass. Our grass is white. (I didn't use the S-word!)
What a lovely sight to see in the morning. :-D Hope the chickens appreciated the sunrise as much as you did!