"Thank You" For All Your Pics & Advice (No Yar I just wanted to Thank All of You for posting your pics and giving advice on different subjects through this site. I do not have a yard of my own anymore, nor do I have a balcony off the apartment on the second floor. It has been a long 4 years since I've really been able to put my hands in my own homemade compost to grown my beautiful flowers and veggies. This website has made it so much better for me to keep up my spirits during this time of the year. I definitely have "Spring Fever" and its very hard to container garden in someone else's space which I have been allowed to at work but with restrictions. The memories are all I have and you all really make it special for me to be able to remember through you all. I'm still a newbie but feel at home here. Just keep those comments and pics coming cuz I'm sure I'm not the only one who you are helping!!!! Again, Thank You All!!!! moderator's note: moved topic to more appropriate forum
Well, you are most welcome! Always glad to help out a fellow gardener, even one who is on temporary hiatus. It's a shame to not be able to exercise your expertise. Is there a community garden, school that has/wants a garden, or even a senior citizen complex or low-income housing that could use your advice and direction? I've had a lot of fun with folks container gardening on their patios at the local subsidized housing. This year we're going to have a community garden in the dirt!
For gardens big or small, flowers tiny or showy, ideas real or yet to come, and anything in between, there is always a place for gardeners at Gardenstew. A helping hand is but a click away. We're glad you are here HB. Jerry
Hi Hb, I can imagine it's frustrating. I hope that when the weather warms up where you are perhaps you can venture out to some public gardens and enjoy all that they offer. Are there any community gardens out near you that would allow you to get your hands dirty?
Thank you all for your replies. I am checking into gardens around the community, but at the moment, my car is in the shop and we have one car for work..i will not let this stop me only just find ways around it. I am going back to the way i used to grow plants....a queen sized electric blanket and a grow light in the mean time. These are the times when I step back and reflect the ways of doing things before all these modern conveniences. Some of us can't afford them and have no choice but to rely on the very things that got us to this point anyway...LOL!! So I received seeds today for a nice lady on here and have already started collecting bottles like i used to. My daughter bought me a kitchen composter for Xmas so that will be put into good use. So with all that being said, my circumstances will not stop me only allow me to dream even more!!!! Sometimes we forget!!!Keep the pics coming!!!
I'm so glad you're enjoying the Stew hummerbum. You won't get any bloom photos from me for a while, but I hope you'll find enjoyment in the ones I've already posted. Good luck with finding a way to garden.
thank you You can always garden in the kitchen and have a crop in less than a week- make sprouts! :-D