Philip posted about Neem Oil taking out grasshoppers. It does! It also takes out squash bugs! My cukes, which are really prone to fungal diseases with our humidity, are strong, healthy and green! This stuff is great! Philip, you saved many plants in our garden. My roses look better, too and I don't have to worry about them getting chomped down to a nubbin by 'hoppers. Stewies are very helpful, but you are up there at the top of the ladder. Can you tell I'm very, very grateful?
Ahhh sharing the love and knowledge! Your awesome MarlinGardener! Nightowl I was going to ask the same. I doubt it is cause Phillip always gives homeopathic type remedies. Thanks Philip for the milk treatment.
AAnightowl, we keep bees and are extra careful what we use on the gardens. Neem Oil is not toxic to bees, butterflies or their larvae, and to other beneficial pollinators. It isn't a "touch it and you're dead" pesticide, so we started using it now to keep down the 'hopper population although just a few are showing up. I've sprayed our squash plants twice (once just before a rain )and although I've seen a few squash bugs, it is nothing like the infestation we've had in the past. Mrs. G, you make me blush!
I used some of Philip's recipe the other day on my Hibiscus. They weren't grasshoppers... but some other little terror. They are very small and quick to run and hide on the other side of a stem or leaf, so there's no chance of spraying them directly (like I tried last year). So... I sprayed the Neem oil on a portion of the plant, just to make sure I didn't do something wrong. Leaves okay the next day. So I gave them a good spraying... whatever they were... they are no longer chomping on my hibiscus. And as an added bonus... one plant's leaves are so shiny it almost looks like a tropical! Grasshoppers... bring it on... I got something for ya! Thanks from me too Philip.