Thanksgiving Plants

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by cherylad, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Hubby's sister has a lot of plants and she's always giving me seeds or cuttings.
    She offered me two plants when we were there a couple of weeks ago but I forgot to get them. :oops:
    We were there for Thanksgiving dinner and I made sure to get my plants... and she added a couple more.
    I got a Firespike, Hibiscus, Papaya tree and a Swiss Cheese Ivy.

    Thanksgiving Plants ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )

    She said the Firespike and Hibiscus could be transplanted now, but I think I'll keep the Hibiscus in a pot until spring.
    And that "Swiss Cheese" is pretty cool. The first time I saw it I asked "What's been eating those leaves?" :D And I guess is a Philodendron and not an Ivy? I'll to some more reading up on it.

    Swiss Cheese Ivy ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )

    Her husband started the Papaya from seed. I think I'll leave it just the way it is until spring too.
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  3. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Lovely haul, Cheryl. You got some goodies there....can I visit your sis-in-law? hahaha
    That Swiss cheese plant we here call a "Monstera".
    I have had various ones of those over the years. They do well indoors here and I really like the leaves. I have had the large-leafed variety as well as the small-leafed variety.They are both quite impressive in a corner of your home. They will need room if they like it where you place it and you handle them properly.

    Very cool, Cheryl.
  4. sewNsow

    sewNsow In Flower

    Jan 8, 2012
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    Iowa z5
    You done good,Cheryl.Nice of your Sis inlaw.Noone in my hubbys family gives a hoot about house plants.Or outdoor flowers.Some grow tomatoes but that's about it for growing.I'm pretty much on my own when it comes to flowers & plants.I do have a garden buddy in a town a few miles away.She is as obsessed as I am!
    I do have some friends in my daylily club that have been very generous to me.But we don't go back & forth mostly because they don't have internet & live a ways away.
    I'm only familiar with the Monstera.I pretty much only have orchids in house windows.
  5. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    What a great sister-in-law you have Cheryl and she gives you some smashing plants!! I had a Swiss Cheese plant years ago but it grew way too tall for our cottage. A friend with a garden centre (and very tall greenhouses) adopted it from me and it's still going strong.

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