My brother and his crew (of two) left from Kemah Texas this morning around 9am. First stop - Isla Mujeres, Mexico. He said it should take approx. one week of straight sailing. Here's his boat S/V Irie II. I believe its either 32 or 33 feet. S/V Irie II ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) And if you've wondered what a flower/plant-stomping-food-munching dragon ever looked like.... "The Dragon" ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) (These photos were taken back in November)
Good sailing to the Dragon! Keep us posted on his itinerary, and adventures. (You couldn't force me to spend a week on a sailboat--no place to garden!).
Wow!! A dragon on the high seas. A sailboat carries our dragon true, to ride the waves of ocean blue, a prayer to keep him safe at night, fair weather days till back in sight. Pictures? Yes? Jerry
As soon as he posts some cool photos like "The Prof" did, I'll post them here. I already miss him. Guess my "Good Brother" will be called on now for those things I need a brother for.
Now that looks like a fun time. I don't think the dragon will be stomping to many plants out at sea. Cute name.
I guess this might be a good time to re-post the cartoon that started this whole "dragon" name. I originally saw it posted here right after my brother completely smooshed a plant of mine. Toni also re-posted it not long ago. So here it is... just in case you're wondering how he got this nickname here... ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )
Well the Dragon looks as though he's in his element on board the yacht. Obviously sea water has a calming affect on these creatures so I hope he has a wonderful trip without any weather problems. Isn't it strange how we miss having them when they're not around? I look forward to hearing how his trip goes.
Best wishes to your brother and his crew ... that is a beautiful boat!!! Wish I'm there with him.... sigh!
Heh heh heh....funny cartoon. Hope that your brother and crew will be safe and have a good time. post more pics when you have them please.