Big Bird ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden ) This bird had been keeping me company in my garden almost every evening but it had been very evasive. Normally it will perch itself in the fir tree and if I were to look for it, it will just fly away. It makes a very loud and distinguish call. I had many a times wanted to take a photo of it but it was really difficult. Today is my luck day, I saw it perched on the overhead wire and I quickly ran into the house to get my camera. I had to get real close cause I am using a compact digital camera. I managed only to get one shot and it flew away.
Obviously a very camera shy bird. Do you have any idea what it eats? Maybe it would become more friendly with tempting food. Jerry
Yes indeed it is a very camera and human shy bird. I did some research and got the name of the bird. It is a Asian Koel. The bird in the photo is the female and the male is black in colour. The male makes all the noise I think! They feed on nuts. This is a video clip of the male and female Asian Koel