I have mostly Black Locust and Honey locust in my yard and they have almost all turned yellow now. This morning we had a heavy dew and as the sun warms them up they are really coming down. Looks almost like heavy snow showers coming down. My Sugar Maple has just started ti turn orange. It is the last one to turn and to loose it's leaves. The walnut trees are almost nekid now.
I really noticed the color on the trees changing the past few days. They were green on Tuesday but are beautifully colored now after a light frost.
I hadn't noticed any leaf change while just puttering around town, but this weekend we drove to Ocean City, NJ, and I was surprised to see how many leaves had begun to change over on the ride down.
A few leaves have fallen but most are green. Northern NH, VT and ME are in peak as the nights get colder the mid portions are turning. It will peak here in MA about three weeks. Jerry Fall in Vermont ( photo / image / picture from Jerry Sullivan's Garden ) Fall in Vermont 2 ( photo / image / picture from Jerry Sullivan's Garden )
We were in town this morning and they are really turning in there. We haven't had any frost, but all last week was rainey and misty and they said that helped them start changing. They are saying rain on this Wed. and Thurs., so that will really bring them down.