We had some mixed nuts that had gone stale, so I started putting them out for the squirrels. I have a big wooden L bracket that I hang the bird feeder on in the winter and a wind chime in the summer. I just layed them out on it. They kept disappearing and I never saw any squirrels in the yard. So I put some more out and they disappeared too. I figured maybe chipmonks were getting them. Well this morning I put the last of them out. I had the whole bar covered in them. I just saw what was getting them. Chickadees and nut hatches were flying in a steady stream, grabbing a nut and then taking off. Some of those Brazil nuts were as big as the birds!
When our nuts that we buy go stale I always bake them to dry them out. Too expensive to throw out but I never did think of the birds..I am not sure if all the salt is good for them...but a bag should be fine. I think I pay more for the critter nuts than I do for ours...of course I buy the peanuts in a 50 pound bag and then shrink wrap them.. I wish I could get more of the chickadees and the nuthatches here for me to enjoy. I hear the chickadee in the distance but not in the yard..