There is a very watchful pigeon who visits my ledge. Thought I would snap and share him with you all. Lookout Pigeon ( photo / image / picture from Frank's Garden )
Looks like a very alert Rock Dove you have there Frank. :-D Handsome birds aren't they when you see them up close? :-D
Beautiful bird, one showed up on the bird feeder by the side window yesterday, I wondered what kind he was. That is very pretty landscaping in the background, is the rest of the view from you window as nice?
You know... I noticed the palms and thought to myself... "there's palm trees in Sweden?" Then I remembered you were in Malaysia!
Frank, I like your lookout Pigeon! We have a flock of them that live at our landscaping shop. They watch over my plant holding area, and are pretty friendly with us.
Uh-oh, I've been rumbled! Where can I hide from the Lookout Pigeon? He sees all. Rumbled! ( photo / image / picture from Frank's Garden )