The storm that hit Texas is just arriving here. A lot of the worst is going above us, but there is still a line just leaving Lake Charles that is strong. It may play out or start to break up before it gets here. We need rain, but please no damaging winds. We have a completely dead huge pine about 15 feet from the house. It is marked to be cut by the utility company, but they are back logged. The neighbors across the way have 3 and they were marked about 2 weeks ago. Will let y'all know, but I don't think it will be as bad as some people got.
Oh do keep in touch! Is there somewhere you can head off to if it gets windy, somewhere away from the tree?
I really, really hope it passes you by without doing any damage. Those trees worry me!! I hope you Richard and your neighbours are going to be OK. :-?
The first cell has passed and we got a good rain, the next one should be here in a couple of hours, it looks like it is going to break up a little. And we live right above the lakes, a lot of time they just go around us when they hit the lakes.
Keep you head covered Sharon and Richard. The news tonight said there were 4 tornadoes that hit areas all around us last night and possibly another one but the info is inconclusive for now.