I took some more pictures of the roots. They are about two and a half inches high. I hope you can see how they grow around. Those were the previous pictures. Now for the ones that I took today. I still don't know what they will be. Dooley
And the mystery deepens Dooley! Can't you give them some fertilizer to make them grow faster LOL I want to know what they are!! (Did I ever mention that I was an impatient gardener?)
They are growing pretty fast since they came up. In the first picture they were only about half an inch high and it was taken May 15. Now, it's May 18th and they are about 2 and a half inches high. I watered them again tonight. They were such big roots that I was hoping they would grow more than one plant but I guess not. Dooley
are they the small elephant ears? not acutally the elephant ears but the ones that are small and redish greenish or something like that?!
Lol this should be a contest!! Or at least we should have one on the board. Each month or what ever, it should be 'guess the plant" game LOL maybe there could be prizes! (we could donate something etc.) lol