Hello Stewies, Well winter is coming, so what is every body going to do to pass time to get back to spring again, Winter is so long I try to always have some thing picked out to keep me busy, I brought in some of my flower pots to paint, And I bought some light globes to do something with for outside this spring,And I have an old ladder to do something with, any one have ideas on the ladder,What I can do to fix it for an outside garden thingy.Or the globes either. So what are you all going to do to beat the winter Blues and Blahs!!!
Margie, I thought only us who lives in Northeast Ohio get these. It never seems to be sunny in the winter....ever. I'll be, hopefully (not too depressed), making cards and perhaps doing another scrapbook for one of my children.
I got some of the bright lights for the house. And mounted solar flood lights.And a list of craft things to do.And see if can have children from area to make Christmas gifts. Bird house gourds. Got plenty of paint and stencils for them.Got books on taking better pictures. Should have Son teach me how to write a book. Laughs Of a Cleaning Lady-would be title.
Margie, The old ladder would make a nifty trellis. I am entering my "dormant" time; off work and lots of free time. My house gets really clean, and then I try to prepare for the holidays so we're not stressed by all that craziness. I like to bake, and make soup. I am looking for easy craft things, but I am not very creative on my own, I can "reproduce" things I see, and like :-? I tend to go for simple, natural stuff, and having a lot of pine cones in my yard, I am always looking for a fun thing to do with those! I am considering buying a grow light for my over populated plant collection. Then we would need to set that up, and create a space for shelves etc.
What I like to do with old pine cones, especially the big ones, is to melt my old candle stubs, and dip the pine cones in them. Then they make great fire starters for us or for gifts. Just be sure there is not TOO much wax on the pine cones.