The Xmas 2007 Thread - For Greetings and Stories

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Frank, Dec 5, 2007.

  1. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    To keep all the Xmas-related discussion in one place let's use this thread. Feel free to post your present list for Santa, not sure if he reads but maybe he's a gardener too.

    Happy Xmas All from GardenStew! :smt114
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  3. SusieQ

    SusieQ Seedling

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Florida USA
    A Christmas Story I wrote..

    I wrote this story about a year ago, however it is full of pictures relating to the story, which unfortunately do not show up here, I wrote several stories for children, here it is...

    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    Twas the week before Christmas Eve, up at the North Pole and last minute preparations were under way, the elves were polishing the sleigh till it gleamed.

    The toys were separated onto piles according to the age of the children and those for boys and the ones for girls, it was quite a task.

    Santa was sitting by a roaring fire, in the fireplace, and making last minute notes on his long, long list, Mrs. Claus noticed his eyelids drooping, as he was getting sleepy, he had put many long hours in for months and months over seeing the elves at work in his huge workshop. Not one single toy was left unfinished.

    Mrs. Claus had just made each of them a steaming mug of hot chocolate, just the way Santa liked it with tiny marshmallow's floating on top, she carried them to him on a tray with a plate heaping with big chocolate chip cookies, also his favorite.
    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    Mrs. Claus walked in quietly and set the tray down on the table between their comfy chairs, she leaned over and kissed Santa on the cheek, bringing him awake.

    "I've brought us a nice treat" she said, "I see that my dear" as he reached for his mug of cocoa, he took a sip and exclaimed, "ah, just what I needed"

    They enjoyed their cocoa, and of course Santa dug into the cookies with gusto, he teased Mrs. Claus that he was keeping in practice for Christmas Eve when he would enjoy cookies around the world, and he chuckled with delight!

    Their peaceful evening was suddenly interrupted by first several tiny fist pounding on the door, then the door chimes playing Santa Claus is coming to Town, all at the same time.

    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled Christmas
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    Mrs. Claus got up, saying "I'll get it dear, you stay put" as she opened the large heavy wooden door, the elves rushed in stumbling all over each other.

    They hurried over to stand in front of Santa, and all started talking at once, he held up his hand, saying whoa! slow down there boy's, then he pointed to the eldest of the bunch Elmer, "now Elmer suppose you tell me what this is all about?

    Santa it saddens me to tell you this but it seems the reindeer have come down with "Reindeer Flu" over half of them are sick, and I suspect the rest will be shortly.

    Mrs. Claus gasped, Santa hung his head, slowly turning it from side to side, saying, "no, no this can't be" Elmer then said, "we have a doctor tending to them, but he said they will not fly this Christmas Eve. They will be too weak to fly."

    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    Elmer coughed a bit clearing his throat, then said, "Santa I'm calling a meeting tomorrow of all the elves, to see if we can come up with some idea's, I will report to you as soon as we have a good one."

    Santa looked up with tears in his eyes and said, "alright Elmer, let them all know that I'm counting on them." "Will do sir" as he backed away, motioning the others to follow, and they quietly let themselves out.

    Santa and his wife talked for a long time that evening, she saw that he was very upset over this new development, he had never in all his hundreds of years on the job, disappointed the children of the world, he had a few scares along the way, but things always worked out, this time he was not so sure.

    She made Santa another mug of hot chocolate and let it work it's magic, then when she saw him yawn, she suggested they turn in for some much needed rest, and he agreed. And so they settled in for a long winters nap, which never turned out to be long at all, Santa was an early riser, always so much to
    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    Bright and early the following morning, Elmer called a meeting of all the elves, they met in the grand hall attached to the workshop.

    He told them of the very serious problem, and how they could not let Santa down, or he may have to cancel Christmas for the first time in hundreds of years, he heard them all groan.

    And so boys and girls, which is what Santa always called them due to their tiny size, we need to come up with ideas very soon.

    One spoke up, "I will get the word out to the Penguins, they are very good at spreading news across the pole." That is a very good idea, get on that right away," and that elf left immediately.

    Others had ideas, but so far, Elmer couldn't see any of them helping this time, so he said keep thinking, and report to me, then he adjourned the meeting.
    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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     Later that day three penguins showed up at the workshop, looking for Elmer, they were directed to him. They told him, that while they are spreading the terrible news about the reindeer being sick, they also discussed the possibility of penguins pulling the sleigh. But it was decided that it simply would not work because they are so very tiny, and not very strong.

    Elmer thanked them for Santa, and for the elf colony, and he agreed it simply would not work, but he had a feeling a solution would turn up.

    Elmer then went to report to Santa, that while a solution was not at hand, they were all working on it, and wishing for a miracle, at the same time.

    When he arrived at Santa's he noticed that Santa, was very depressed, he said he had been to visit the reindeer down at the reindeer barn, and it was so sad, that so many were feeling poorly.

    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    Santa, I hate to see you so sad, said Elmer. well Elmer this just may very well be the first Christmas without toys for all the children of the world!

    No, Santa we won't let that happen there has got to be an answer, it simply has not come up, but it will.

    Do you think we should go ahead with the Grand Christmas Snow Ball Celebration we have on the 23rd. The night before you make your rounds on Christmas Eve?

    Well...I know the Elf Colony, looks so forward to it every year, but will there be anything to celebrate this year?

    Yes, Santa keep the faith, we'll get through this crisis, just like we did all the others. Alright then, Elmer the ball goes on as usual.

    Elmer then told Santa that he would send out the word to start getting the grand hall ready for the "Snow Ball" as usual.

    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    The plans were well under way. The Elves were busy preparing for the "Annual Snow Ball," where they had a great feast, and merry making celebration before Christmas Eve, it was Santa's chance to thank his Elves, for all their hard work once again, in making all the toys, making sure the Sleigh was ready, and the Reindeer, fed and ready to go, however in this case, they were all uncertain as to how the Sleigh would fly this year.

    The entire elf colony including their children would come to the ball, plus the Clauses of course, this year they were really knocking themselves out, just incase, a plan did not come about, and Santa was still in a funk, they had to cheer him up if it was the last thing they did.

    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    The Elves were bustling around in the grand hall making preparations for the second biggest event of the year, the biggest of course being Christmas Eve.

    When there was a pounding on the great doors to the hall, it was a muffled pounding as if made by a solid snowball, Elmer said, "keep working boys, I'll get it" as he hurried to the doors.

    As he unlatched the doors and swung them open, his eyes grew huge as he took a big step backwards, as a giant polar bear entered, he heard the others elves gasp!

    The big bear spoke then in a booming voice, I am the King of the polar bears at the pole, and I have heard about the illness that has spread among the Reindeer, and I'm here with an idea to propose to you.

    You, you are? stammered Elmer "and what might that be?" "yes, what?" he heard from a chorus of elves behind him.

    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    I believe that my bears which I will select from among the younger ones will pull the sleigh and do a great job for all of you.

    Elmer's face lit up like the Christmas tree's in the grand hall.
    This would be wonderful, very wonderful indeed, stated Elmer, the miracle we've been hoping for, I will take this information to our boss straight away.

    Thank you, thank you, you may have just saved Christmas Eve after all, a cheer went up behind him and applause for the giant polar bear, who was now retreating.
    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    Elmer  hurried as fast as he could to Santa Claus's house, he rang the chimes and knocked on the heavy door, and when Santa answered, he was so out of breath, he collapsed just inside the door.

    Santa helped him up and into a chair, he called out to Mrs. Claus to bring a cup of hot chocolate  and hurry please.

    When Elmer had a few sips of his cocoa he was finally able to tell, his boss the exciting news about the visitor to the grand hall, and the more wonderful news, about the polar bears, pulling the sleigh on Christmas Eve.

    After he got the story out, he asked, "do you think it's possible Santa, can those bears pull our sleigh can you make them fly? Santa replied, "with my magic golden dust, I will make them fly."

    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    Before Elmer left, Santa gave him a big high five and he roared with laughter, he was himself once again!

    He closed the door, turned up the music and took Mrs. Claus by the hand and started dancing, chuckling the whole time.......... The children of the world would not be disappointed, he would deliver all the gifts, and be home for Christmas day with his wife.

    After the dancing had wore them down, they settled in their comfortable chairs in front of the roaring fireplace and had another cup of hot chocolate, and toasted to another wonderful Christmas together., now that all was indeed well, even the Reindeer were improving, but would still be too weak to fly, Christmas Eve.

    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    The good news rippled across the North Pole, that all was well, the Penguins, carried the tale to all the sea creatures, and the Polar Bears 
    carried the tale to the rest .

    Santa left orders for the Elves that they were to invite the King of the Polar Bears, to the annual "Snowball" as the guest of honor.

    All was welcome to this party, animals and elves alike, this is the first year the reindeer would remain in their barn, just to be on the safe side, and not have the flu spread to others.

    Santa would be sure they have a special treat, and not be totally left out of the celebration.

    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    The good news rippled across the North Pole, that all was well, the Penguins, carried the tale to all the sea creatures, and the Polar Bears 
    carried the tale to the rest .

    Santa left orders for the Elves that they were to invite the King of the Polar Bears, to the annual "Snowball" as the guest of honor.

    All was welcome to this party, animals and elves alike, this is the first year the reindeer would remain in their barn, just to be on the safe side, and not have the flu spread to others.

    Santa would be sure they have a special treat, and not be totally left out of the celebration.

    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    And so the day of the Annual "Snowball" has arrived, bells were ringing all over the North Pole, wonderful scents filled the air, laughing, and merriment were heard on the wind.

    As day turned to night, lights were seen shinning brightly in all colors, and candles blinked in windows


    The grand hall was full, and a joyful sound was heard as Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived. As they entered, Santa saw that mistletoe hung over the great doors, and he stopped to give his Mrs. a kiss, he never passed up this opportunity...  

    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    Santa and Mrs. Claus were seated, but before they got settled, the great doors opened and in walked the guest of honor the King of the Polar Bears, with his young son the Prince.

    Santa got up and went to greet them, and to bestow the wreath of honor on the king.
    The King sat at his place of honor, and one by one all who attended went up to thank him.  The King was very pleased.
    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    The merriment began, they all took turns singing the songs of Christmas, the Elves sang
    Even the penguins sang And sang some moreThere was much to be joyful for
    They danced around the Christmas trees.. Even Santa kicked up his heels to a lively tune....... "Jingle Bells"  
    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    Before to long the grand ball was ending, as the guest of honor was leaving the prince handed a
    note to Elmer who was clearly pooped from all the activity of the evening but he sat down and looked at it, and saw that it was a list of names of the polar bears who would be pulling the sleigh for Santa. and he read the names he couldn't help but smile. He thanked the prince and said he would see to it that Santa got it in time, for his flight around the world.

    And so the "Snowball" has ended and even Santa and Mrs. Claus have headed home, which was not very far from the grand hall.

    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    When Santa and his Mrs. Arrived home, he tossed another log on the fire, and said let's sit here for awhile my dear before turning in, and she agreed picking up her knitting, she was putting the final touches on a scarf for Elmer, the oldest Elf. 
    "Tomorrow night is my big night" Santa said, and I believe now that it will go just fine, at that moment the door chimes went, and Santa answered.
    It was three of the elves with the note Elmer gave them to bring to Santa, he let them in, and went to sit again by the fire, Mrs. Claus went to get hot chocolate for all of them, then she left them to their business. 
    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    And finally Christmas Eve day had arrived, the Elves had the sleigh runners waxed and ready to be loaded with the gifts. 
    The polar bears were arriving, and being fed a hearty meal, as it would be a long night.


    Santa's suit was put out for him, it was his heaviest one to keep him warm.  Mrs. Claus
    always had a big thermos of hot chocolate ready for him to take along, it went good with all the cookies he ate along the way.

    The Year Santa Almost Cancelled
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    Christmas Eve night the sleigh was loaded up with toys..
    Santa talked to each of the bears before he got in the sleigh, and the Elves got them harnessed and ready to go.

    As Santa did each year, he circled the North Pole, one time, and could be heard calling their names, this year it was: On Dashal, on Danka, on Prankster, on Victor, on Comic, on Cupie, on Donny, on Blitzer to the top of the world, as he sprinkled the magic golden dust, they flew over the roof tops, up, up, up and away, as his great chuckle drifted away on the wind.
    The Elves cheered, and wished their boss well! Mrs. Santa waved from her window. This would be a Christmas to remember by all who lived at the north Pole, the year the Polar Bears pulled Santa's sleigh.
    The End......
  4. Biita

    Biita Arctic-ally Challenged Forager

    Oct 31, 2007
    Likes Received:
    ohhh that was great,, very very cute,, thank you for sharing that,,

    In case you wanted to know, Rovaniemi is the home of the official North Pole, its in Finland.

    Heres a Christmas link for all
  5. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    I've had to divide the reading up due to lack of time, but now I'm done. Nice story, I can hear the booming voice of that bear.

  6. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    What a wonderful cute story.Thank you so much for allowing us to read it..
  7. SusieQ

    SusieQ Seedling

    Feb 16, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Florida USA
    about my xmas story..

    Glad ya'll like my story, too bad you can't see the adorable pics. throughout it, even of the bears and sleigh, if anyone is interested..PM me your e-mail addy and I can send it pics. and all, for your grandkids or whatever...
  8. petunia

    petunia Young Pine

    May 13, 2006
    Likes Received:
    northern michigan
    :smt114 I guess I know when Christmas is near. My kids go around and start whispering to one another. Last nite my oldest came over and took everyone out of the room but me. (hmm, I wonder what that could have been about :) ) How many others have sweet whisperings going on at Christmas?
  9. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    When I was little, I sooo much wanted a pair of skis. I checked underneath the tree so many times that day, but nothing even resembled skis. At dinner we heard somebody in the hall, and I wanted to welcome our visitor, but was told to sit back down and eat. I finished up quickly and ran out. There, stood against the stairs, were my skis - unwrapped, but shiny and just the right size. Oh, how happy I was! For many years I firmly believed that Santa had put them there. Now I guess it was the grand-uncle from next door.

    Another year I received a cowboy hat, belt, holster and gun from my very big hero Matt Dillon from Gunsmoke. Unfortunately I had grown a bit too old to believe he sent it to me himself. :)
  10. Biita

    Biita Arctic-ally Challenged Forager

    Oct 31, 2007
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    I kind of had the same one as droopy about the ski's,,, i just couldn't understand why i wasn't getting any for christmas, but the difference was when we went in to eat dinner my ski's were hidden under the table, an i kept kicking them, then finally when i looked, i was shocked.

    My kids used to say all the time, "Boy it sure would be nice to own a ,,,,," an i used to tell them i bet it would too. then when we would unwrap gifts there it would be,, but one time i did a no no,, i accidently wrapped all the gifts an half way thru them i put the wrong names on the packages,,, it really was an accident,,, but if you could of seen the face of my son when he opened a power puff girl,,blossom to be exact,, it was hilarious. :D
  11. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Well, let me think....
    There was the time about two weeks before christmas when I took advantage of being left home alone and opened every one of my gifts. Only time I ever did that, I ruined the excitement for myself and never even so much as shook a package after that.
    And the time when Mom forgot half of my gifts. I didn't realize it since she always went overboard for us anyway, but half way thru dinner she said 'oh my gosh' jumped up from her chair and ran to the hall closet, she pulled out 4 dresses and 3 skirt/blouse sets that she had made for me.
  12. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    Today, on December 13th, we celebrate Saint Lucia, an Italian maid who helped poor people by bringing them food. Somebody told the Emperor Diocletian she was a Christian. He wanted to burn her, but the flames went outwards and not up, so she was beheaded.

    Saint Lucia is a maid of light. To celebrate her memory, young girls put on a crown of candles, a white dress and a sash and walk in procession singing a song about her, wile offering lussekatter (Lucia's cats), special buns, to the bystanders. Kindergartens and young school children generally mark this day with lights, white robes and songs.
  13. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    I'm set for Christmas, just a couple of table cloths to replace, a floor that needs a final polish and a decoration outside to do. I'll have to wait until the wind dies down.

    The Christmas tree is done. The girls decorated it mostly by themselves:


    Since tomorrow is our day of celebration, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Enjoy yourselves immensely.
  14. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    My family also celebrates on Christmas Eve. We get together for a big dinner and gifts. Oh yes, and big desserts too :) Christmas day my kids get up at the crack of dawn to see what Santa has brought.
    Here's our tree this year.
    Merry Christmas to all at Gardenstew.
  15. Wrennie

    Wrennie In Flower

    Nov 21, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Catskill Mountains NY
    Merry Christmas to everyone at Garden Stew!!!
  16. Biita

    Biita Arctic-ally Challenged Forager

    Oct 31, 2007
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    Merry Christmas!!!

    Today is our day of celebration an will extend for a few days. So everyone have a great holiday, an enjoy those you love an those you can't be near, hold close to your heart.

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