My parents bought a new house and the previous owners had a vegetable garden. Instead of tearing out the wood framing and soil, my parents decided to have a garden of their own this year. A plant that we didn’t plant started growing. I thought it was a weed and I was about to pull it, when I noticed how thick it’s stalk was. I decided to let it go to see if something the previous owners had planted was growing. The plants are pretty big now, but I have no clue what they are! Can anyone help me identify them please?
Your best bet is to send a couple of photos to your local Ag extension office...they are connected with large Agriculture colleges....each state has at least one office, some have more. They will be able to properly ID the plant and tell you how to get rid of it if needed. Just do a google search for County Extension office in your specific county.
My first thought was something in the nightshade family, in most cases that is something that you don't want to keep as it is toxic.
weeds. deadly nightshade was my thought too. it will develop little nondescript flowers hanging down underneath the leaves that eventually turn into little black fruits.
I agree that it does in a way resemble something in the nightshade family. Maybe you ought to put on gloves and crush a leaf violently and then smell it. Many plants have their own smell. Having supported the idea that it may be a nightshade sort, I find that Odif's idea that it could be a dahlia sort not outlandish. It could well be, Perhaps if you dug up just one decent-sized plant and have a look if the plant has a tuber. Take a foto and post it on here. If that plant were a dahlia, tom or some other "wanted" plant you could always re-plant it. This is an interesting question.