Thought you would love this website. If you have a weak spot for all things cute step this way..
Now almost everything there has a BIG aaaaawwww factor Frank - except perhaps that spider!!! Can't see me cuddling up with it somehow.
Haha my thoughts exactly! He still freaked me out. God this is so cute I think I'm gonna throw up ... itten.html
Red squirrels are one of my mortal enemys and I shall shoot and feed every one I see to the local weasel. They made a mess of both our travel trailer and the cabin. Mice don't do as much damage. Al
I can't say I found that kitten exactly cute - to me they always look as though they're deformed at that age as their heads appear so big. Still it has time to grow into something more adorable a dog perhaps?? Gosh Al over here it's grey squirrels that cause all the damage. We actively encourage any reds we see here in Scotland as their numbers have dropped drastically because of a virus which the greys carry. It's fatal to reds but doesn't harm the greys themselves.