sunrise ( photo / image / picture from lukeypukey's Garden ) p.s hope everyone is well . . . internet has been playing up so i haven't been on in a while :-D
Yes, Lukey...very sad for you Send it over here ASAP!!! along with sunshine and WARM temperatures. Today we have 4" of snow on the ground. I had to drive home in it last night and was never so scared of the roads. NO salt/plow trucks out for the weather. The last mile of the road was down hill for 1/2 mile and then a turn at the bottom of the hill...needless to say, I didn't turn at the bottom of the hill, there was no slowing to the point of crawling to get around the corner. Had to go another 1/2 mile to turn around ( and even crawling, I slid into the parking lot to turn around) and come back to turn. So, I am sorry I don't have much pity in my heart at this point for such a terrible picture. You poor poor boy. AHH never mind, I just remembered it is supposed to be WARM and sunshiny tomorrow. You can keep yours, it is probably too expensive to send it over here anyways. I'll just wait till then.
very sorry to hear that carolyn, i should of been more considerate when posting my glorious sunrise. this was taken before we got hit with another cold snap, we had some snow showers yesterday but it was mixed with around a months worth of rain so it didn't settle. the weather here is up and down like a yo yo . . . 19-20 degrees last week . . . 7-8 today.
It must have taken some amount of courage to face a sight like that and actualy take a photograph of it. How dreadful for you!!
thanks cheryl. . . eileen i just turned my back and had a random snap at it . . . . this beauty is gonna get earlier and earlier though . . . . i enjoy work but i don't fancy turning up 3 hours early to catch a sunrise
Thanks Luke for realizing your lack of consideration , You are forgiven.. PS...the picture was beautiful, too. Thanks for sharing it.