I found this in the greenhouse as I was watering one day. I think it was as thirsty as the plants. Prionyx Parkeri ??? Thread waisted wasp ( photo / image / picture from carolyn keiper's Garden ) I haven't ever seen one before so I am not positive on the id of it...I was looking online and this was the closest I found.
We have a wasp here in Scotland that looks your photograph Carolyn. Ours are simply called 'Red Tailed Wasps' and are about 3/8 inch long. The wings and front portion of these wasps are black and only the abdomen is red - just like the one in your picture. I think ours has red hind legs though if I remember correctly.
Eileen, this is on an oregano plant if that helps visualize it's size. If I remember correctly I think it was about an inch long. About the size of all the other wasps in our area. It's size wasn't unusual, just it's color.
There may be a few of these wasps varying a little by location. The one we have looks like this: ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden ) I take lots of insect images and get them ID'd at Bugguide.