These are some of the cards tha I made, sell them at fairs. Jay in wreath ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden ) Robin at Christmas ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden ) Another Robin card ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )
Yes, you can't fool people on this site. Have a few others with different birds on. They like to pose for me. (They should I feed there all year) Hummer in winter ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )
They're beautiful. Hey, Kildale -- tell me about your robins.... Around here the robins leave in the Fall and return in the Spring. I have never seen a robin in winter or in snow. Do you think your robins and my robins ar ethe same kind? They certainly look the same.
Yes they are the same robins, they stay here all the year round. The nest in the garden and bring the young for the water that I put out. You should have a look at the birds I have photographed in the winters gone by. Just click Birds in Winter.
Lovely cards! I especially like the last one. Your American robins look like our thrushes bar the red chest. Our European robins are sweet, little things. Most of them leave in autumn but a few brave ones stay behind to defend their choice nesting ground. Their song is quite lovely and I always get astounded by that big sound coming from those tiny featherballs.
Yes the Anna's hummingbird stays here the year round, it amazes me how they survive as there are not many flowers around.