soon be harvesting my titan sunflower seeds if anyones interested in a swap. i have a few canna seeds i collected last year aswell as a few rhodochiton (purple bell vine climber) i collected last week. :-D moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic
Hi Luke, Have you ever grown the cannas from seed? I just collected a few and was going to save them for next year and start them in the spring, but I know next to nothing about them.
i didn't have much luck when i tried them first time. you will definately need to scarify them though or maybe soak them in warm water for a 24 hours, they are hard as nails!! thay can be sown in january or febuary in compost with some peat content. once they've filled out the pots you can pot them on as you would with the rhizomes
Thanks, I didn't give a thought to how hard the seeds were. I'll keep that in mind and give it a try in Jan.