I got the pea's planted. Started some more cabbage (Copenhagen Marketmore) and started tomato's. Opalka, from saved seed, Brandywine, and some I'm calling Corwin from the name of the town the older gentleman that gave me the seeds lives in. It is wet here, but gotta get things in the ground when you can. Soon enough, it'll be hot and dry. Gotta take the bad with the good. Hey, how 'bout all ya'll remember to 'spring forward' so's you can get to church on time. I'll be going with my Aunt Erma. My Uncle died just a few months ago so I try to go to church with her at least once a month so she doesn't feel forgotten. I try to make it a surprise too. Same with my only surviving Uncle and his wife. I'm not a churchy kinda guy, likely wouldn't go at all if'n I wasn't going to spend time with them. I ain't doing this for praise either. Guess what I'm trying to say is, get out there and do something nice for someone. Even if it puts you out a little bit, or a whole lot.
Thanks for the reminder about the 'spring forward'! Okay, I won't 'praise' you but I hope it's okay to say your a 'nice' man for your suggestion to do something nice for others.
I have found that the "churchy kinda guys" often do less for others than the ones who don't show up on Sunday morning, but spend the week helping others without thought of praise. So, I won't praise you but I sure wish you and your aunts and uncle well.