I am considering purchasing a topsy turvy because of the lack of garden space instead of a lot of planters...Do these things really work? Would love your reviews please!! Plan on ordering end of next week (March 23rd) if the consensus is good!!! Thanks
Our Capt Kirk posted this information along with photos of his adventure with upsidedown tomatoes.... http://www.gardenstew.com/about3957.html http://www.gardenstew.com/about6355.html http://www.gardenstew.com/about7097.html He made his own instead of buying them.
A tomato plant growing upright in a bucket will probably do as well as one growing upside down. JMO. Waste of money to pay extra for "cute".
Novelty idea. there is not enough soil mass to support the plant and get a decent amount of fruit. I don't think we realize just how much water/nutrients a plant really needs.
Neighbor bought one and planted a cherry tomato in it. She was actually getting a few tomatoes until the thing fell, got soil all over the patio, and took out a potted plant under it. The weight of the Topsy-Turvy is incredible once you get soil and water in it. I'd go with a large container and put something lighter (like thyme or mint) in a hanging basket to save space.
My brother tried one. I think he got one or two small tomatoes from it. Needless to say, it got tossed out after that.
Just buy a few 5 gallon buckets and drill holes in bottom and use upright. More soil, better roots and more tomatoes. TT is a loser.
I also made the mistake of buying one two summers ago. Never again. I think we only got 3 or 4 small tomatoes off of it. Plus you have to water it like crazy. I have grown some wonderful tomatoes in 5 gal. buckets.
Yes I have a little bit to say about this, when it is fertilized where do you think the fertilizer goes, where does the water go?[and you need heaps] I did it once and it was a disaster, why hang upside down when you can use the container to grow upright.Tomato is a vine and likes to climb!
It's sad but there are many garden "Products" for sale (and some sell well) that aren't that good, once paid for. Soil amendments and tools...there's no end to them. Some people can garden, some would rather "harvest" from gardeners pockets, lol. Before I'd buy a new "wonderful" gizmo, I'd be curious if they have any support for it after the sale.