Trading Heirloom Fruits & Vegetables - Plants, Seeds, Etc

Discussion in 'Plant and Seed Exchange' started by enkagrl, Mar 31, 2010.

  1. enkagrl

    enkagrl New Seed

    Nov 8, 2008
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    Tulsa, OK
    Trading Heirloom Fruits & Vegetables - Plants, Seeds, Et

    Hi there! :)

    I would be interested in trading heirloom veggies & fruits with you folks, if anyone's interested.

    I don't currently have any cuttings available, but I don't mind getting them. - Not trying to short change anyone, I'm just leaving possibilities open. I would prefer if the cuttings were already rooted, though, because I have really bad luck with rooting them. :/ But anyway. lol :) I would love to have some grapes, muscadines & wine grapes, if anyone has any...

    Also looking for heirloom tomatoes.. Corn.. Peppers.. Spinach.. Swiss Chard.. Herbs- Medicinal as well as Culinary.. Anything interesting, that I don't already have! :) Any kind of grains would be great.. I've got plain wheat, plain oats, hulless oats and buckwheat.. Would like to get some kamut..

    Edible lotus, eggplants, lettuces, kale, etc.. Anything & everything! :) I am open to pretty much anything, as long as it's heirloom or open pollinated & it'll germinate! lol ;) The more unique, rare or strange, the better! I have very small amounts of some other, less common things not listed & would be happy to trade some of those for something neat, just PM me.

    Available for trade, I've got:

    Zapotec Pleated - Mexican/Incan
    Yellow Pear Cherry
    Ceylon - Sri Lankan
    African Togo - African
    Black Cherry
    Azoychka - Russian
    Sweet 100 Cherry

    Reid's Yellow Dent
    Golden Bantam
    Stowell's Evergreen
    Country Gentleman
    Strawberry Popcorn - few

    White Icicle
    Giant Luo Buo - few
    China Rose

    Golden Midget
    Hale's Best Jumbo Melon
    Golden Korean Melon
    Sharlyn Melon
    Blacktail Mountain
    Santa Claus Melon

    Root Vegetables:
    Purple Top White Globe Turnip
    Tall Top Early Wonder Beet

    American Flag Leek
    Evergreen Bunching Onion
    Onion Chives
    Garlic Chives
    Tropeana Tonda (Red Onion)
    Dorata Di Parma (Yellow Onion)
    Southport White Globe (White Onion)

    Chinese Cabbage
    Azure Star Kohlrabi
    Golden Acre Cabbage

    Pizza Peppers

    Homemade Pickles
    Satsuki Madori
    Straight Eight
    Spacemaster Bush
    Wisconsin Summer
    Boothby's Blonde
    Mexican Sour Gherkins

    Old Homestead/Kentucky Wonder Bean
    Adzuki Bean
    Tongue Of Fire Bush Bean
    "White" Soybean - Non GMO, Non-Hybrid

    Squash, Pumpkins & Gourds:
    Vegetable Spaghetti
    Black Beauty Zucchini
    Carnival Squash
    Angled Luffa
    Winter Melon/Wax Gourd

    Lettuces & Greens:
    Ruby Red Swiss Chard
    Florida Broad Leaf Mustard
    Red Head Lettuce
    Misc. Lettuce Mix

    Misc. Edibles:
    Clemson Spineless Okra

    Korean Shiso/Perilla
    Bronze Fennel
    Florence Fennel

    Glorious Daisies (maybe gloriosa? But it says "Glorious Daisy" - Supposed to be cream & strawberry colored, this is my first year planting them, sorry!)
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