Our Girl Scout Troop wants to plant a tree at a local park as one of our badge projects. What would be a good choice that is not horribly expensive and would be pretty blooming next year? I have a weeping cherry in my yard that is gorgeous but we planted it in the spring. Any help would be appreciated
You could plant a weeping cherry now, as long as it has time to develop a good root system before the first freeze it should do well.
OK thanks the next freeze could come pretty soon here. Within the next two weeks or so, therefore I do not know if that would be enough time for it to get itself established but thanks.
It will still be some time before the soil actually frezes in your location, so planting now really isn't an issue, but I wouldn't wait too much longer. Buy some root growth stimulant like upstart or some other, water it well, and plant to the proper depth and you should be fine.
OK thanks for that. I do have root hormone that I use for my cuttings to get them to root. Do you think that would work or do I need to get something like the upstart?
Maybe consider planting a crabtree or some other tree that also offers fruits or berries for the birds too. There are several natives to choose from and make sure pH levels match if you are going to plant something that has certain needs. (dogwoods etc.) Even when the foliage drops, the roots will continue to grow until the ground freezes. It is important to keep new plantings watered as long as possible. You may want to mulch it to keep moisture in and help prevent freeze/thaw upheavel. Leave mulch a few inches from the crown,however. Dig hole twice as wide, fluff out roots so the can reach out and grow. Plant only as deep as it is in the pot and you may even want to plant the whole thing so it is slightly above ground level. Use only a root stimulant to feed the tree. Ron