I first saw lots of these little guys on potted plant on the front porch. I thought they were cute at first. That plant is turning yellow and looks like it might not make it. Now those little bugs have moved to my back flower bed and started feasting. Does anybody know what these are and how to get rid of them?
They look like the larvae form of some type of Hemiptera Daph but I'm sorry I really don't know what actual species they are as we have nothing like them here in Scotland that I know of. I hope someone else can help you out before they do too much damage.
Eileen is correct, it is a type of Hemiptera. I think it is the Nymph of one of the Leaffooted Bugs. Leptoglossus phyllopus
i just sent the photo and a description of what the bugs do to the "bug" department at Clemson college. I included your analysis of the little pest that should help them. If they want a sample, I'll send them as many as I can catch
I got an email from the bug guy at the college. Here's what her said (The picture is of an immature assassin bug. It is in the Heteroptera group but is not herbivorous. It only attacks and eats other insects hence the common name. That are considered benefical insects and good to controlling other insects that might feed on your flowers. I hope this information helps.) I thought for sure those bugs were sucking the life out of my flowers. I think I'll find an aphid for one to see if he really is an assassin.
Here's a piccie of the adult assassin bug if it's any help to you Daph. http://www.ivyhall.district96.k12.il.us ... assin.html
Good lord....those are scarey little bugs. They sound like spiders. Maybe I'll just let them be. My husband thinks that the bugs were eating aphids on the flowers. I didn't see any aphids but I might have missed them. Thanks for the article, I'm sending it to my hubby...he will be fascinated by it. He likes spiders...ick! Thanks again!
I was thinking it looked like an assassin bug. I was reading about them the other day...they have a really scary beak that can give a nasty bite if you mess with them. One type that lives in south America actually carries a fatal disease. I think most of the ones in the U.S. are safe, but you don't want to pick it up and make it mad.
These babies are most definitely assassin bugs. They have become my favorite garden tool. I've been catching a couple at a time and releasing them on plants that have bugs that are eating my plants. And to think that I thought that the little workers were eating my plants. Eileen, your link to the photo of the adult assassin bugs is exactly what is in my garden. I'm so glad I asked all of you before I got rid of them. THANK YOU