My mail carrier gave me two rose bushes yesterday, but she is not a rose person at all, and has no clue what they are. She said they get huge and long and have large dark pink flowers. I was thinking they might be an older variety of climbers or ramblers? She did not think they spread out much, but I won't know until I get them in the ground. She also cut them back for transporting, and does not know how to prune them either. I think I can straighten them out. I was tempted to think it is a multiflora rose, which is a weed rose in the US, but she did not think so. The multifloras here have small white flowers and are very invasive. Does anyone know a site for ID'ing old roses? I don't know what they look like until they bloom come spring. (I already have at least 4 young rose bushes from my Fairy Rose to move to a better spot this week, so I am trying to figure out where these can go and do whatever without being too much for things around them.)
I did get the Fairy Rose offspring relocated where they can spread out more, and I got my two mystery roses in the ground. I guess I ought to quit getting roses, but they are kind of like lost puppies and hard to resist.
It will best to wait until next spring and see what the flowers will be like, then post them on here.
Bummer though. I will ask my mail carrier next time I catch her if she happened to get a picture of the flowers? If I find a website of old roses, I may browse and see if I find out anything.
Sounds like one in the series by,Dr Hessayon Logan. Great series. Attempting to identify roses and some other cultvars is a very hit and miss game.
I think I need to dig up a bunch of daylilies. I read where lilies and roses do not get along very well as both are heavy feeders. And the only spot I could think of for the surprise rose and the last of the Fairy Rose offspring is in a lily patch.... oops. There are a couple of Rose of Sharon bushes and irises in there too. It is in the stump of an old elm tree that came down in a tornado in May 2020. I guess I will be giving away a lot of lilies...