I watered it twice now and today I cleaned out three circle beds and planted some "summer" squash. You can plant that in fall, can't you? I only had six seeds left in each pack so I planted six of each so no big lose if it doesn't make it. I planted beets in the other one. Mostly for the greens so I planted them thicker than normal. I see the snap peas are sending up little threads. No plants yet, just little white threads. Must not have planted them deep enough. Pulled some more weeds and grass so Chance has a path around the yard when the grass is wet in the morning. dooley
It is so interesting to read your planting habits, Dooley. It is totally different that here. Planting squash here at this time would be pout of the question, but beets for leaf harvest might be possible. Things like Swiss chard is possible, and after all that is a root-plant that is used primarily for its leaves. Please keep updating how your garden is doing. --So interesting.,