Does anyone grow and use arnica for medicinal purposes? I'm looking for some input on where to grow the plant. Is it invasive? Is it attractive or weedy looking. should I tuck it away where it isn't noticed? Use it as a focal point? Any input would be welcome. Thanks, Carolyn
I don't grow Arnica myself (common name - Leopards Bane) but I know it has small, daisy-like, yellow flowers and can be invasive.
thanks Eileen, evidently not many people use this. It's a wonderful herb for bruising. I've bought the jel from a pharmacy and it works like nothing you've ever seen. If applied immediately to a spot that you know is going to bruise it actually prevents it from happening. I missed applying the jel to the whole spot one day and you could see where I missed. It was really amazing. So I would like to try the plant to see if the results are the same.