We had company this week. Friends of ours were here to see their son deploy. We got the chance to tour the ship. The USS Theodore Roosevelt. I felt like an ant it was so big. There will be 5000 people on board this ship for the next 9 months. I was in awe of how young some of the men and women were getting on this ship for deployment. I swear they couldn't be more then 14-15 years old. The ship was supposed to leave port at 8 am the next morning and we went back to see it go out only to find out there was a problem and it would not leave until noon. That came and went until the next morning. As of right now it could be 4 days before they can repair the problem and leave. Mom and Dad went home sad to see their son leave for so long. He is 22 years old and never been away. He was excited but scared also. The 6th picture is of Rob and his mom & dad. The last picture is the whole fleet from across the river.
Gosh the USS Theodore Roosevelt is HUGE!! I'm sure Rob's parents will miss him dreadfully but just think of the wonderful time Rob is going to have for the next 9 months. When he arrives home he'll have so much to tell them about life on board and all the things he will have learned.
That is one gigantic ship. As a kid and even now I'm always amazed with aircraft carriers. Fantastic a mobile airport!
What an amazing vessel! 9 months away will feel like a lifetime to his parents, but he will have an amazing experience and learn so much!