Boy Monday I came from work came into this room.Smelled something nasty. At First thought Maddie Mae-just changed your litter box.BUT thought. Open window.Yelled for Jerry to shut gas off at LP tank. And Took Ginger outside. Lp co-op had sent letter. had scratch and sniff-it was gas leak. Good it was warm. Called plumber from cell-phone. Told them had gas shut off. Had other sources of heat.Guy who installed this gas space heater-DIDn't put shut off back on. He's no longer in business.Wonder why :!:
gas leak It was lucky! Glad it turned out OK for you. With something gas-related the gas co here will check it for you, they know what they're doing at least.
Jerry was trained both in Navy and was on Fire team where he worked for 38 years-Amana . Only reason has with other Gas space heater-if lights go out. Has no blower. Got shut off on it know-HAD one before. Jerry sprayed flex gas line with soapy water-No bubble. But if you smell something like Rotten eggs-(Don't)turn lights on. Guy down the road came in house at night flipped light on. Found himself in yard-broken leg. Lucky no burns. HOUSE GONE-Big hole in ground.
I have gone by several 'holes' that were former homes. They are rare but usually happen after construction of some type. Glad to hear you are O.K. Jerry
Guy who's house blew up said he misses picture the most. And has gas detector now. Lot of my customer warm their cars up-without open garage door.Seen home building on tv-have it so car will not unless door is open.
wow, lol, I just moved into a neighborhood with gas and you all have me nervous now! Where I grew up, there was a line a few houses up that leaked a couple of times, we could smell the gas for blocks. Scary!
I bought gas detector yesterday. Has battery back up-cost more. One gal said she is worried about her furnace is 30 years old. asked what I paid for main Furnace it was $4000 installed.But this small one with price.We had it put in living room and inclosed it. So doesn't look so ugly. But volunteered helping flood victim in Cedar Rapids. And we have Creek in back of our 2 acres.Moved breaker box out of basement also.
Koszta kid thank God for your quick thinking and that all is ok now. A gas and carbon monoxide detector is a great idea. Also glad that you didn't have a lite cigarette in your hand when you walked in the door.
Somebody up there likes you!, was a close call indeed,..just one spark would have changed the outcome.
20+ years ago I smoked. Best friend was dying of cancer. I promised I would quit.Just bought a carton-threw them out. Just STOPPED. More $$$ for flowers.