Arum purpurescens. Sadly something has eaten half of the spathes, not sure what eats these things. They are pollenated by flies so the spathe smells of rotting meat.
I hope you can find the critters that are eating your Arum purpurescens spathes Eric before they do any more damage. I take it that your plant isn't too near to the house with its pungent smell?
We have skunk cabbage here that is a fairly strong smell and is pollinated by flies. Never bothered me but when in full bloom there are people who will not go near a wetlands. I like yours at it is a nice purple color though, the skunk cabbage here is a bright yellow and actually a nice plant to look at if you can get past the smell.
Very interesting plant! It probably won't take our winters, otherwise I would have tried to grow it. Smell or no smell, it's fascinating.
Lysichiton americanus(Skunk Cabbage) is on the list of plants which may not be planted in Britain. It is taking over many streamsides to the detriment of native flora. The Arum is fairly tough, it soes survive our winters here. Not sure where it comes from originally. The smell is only noticable within a few feet and down wind.The trouble wth it is the number of flies it attracts.